Friday, December 11, 2009

Indianize Cutlery

How many times have you looked at a standard cutlery set and wished there were fewer forks, more spoons and NO knives?

I have a standard cutlery set on my dining table that has 6 small spoons, 6 (too) big spoons, 6 forks and 6 knives. I *love* the cutlery set, in that is a very convenient way to have spoons on the table. *Spoons*. Just *spoons*. The forks get used when we run out of spoons -- and the knives? Never used! The reason the knives are useless is that vegetarians have no meat to cut.

I would pay a premium to buy a cutlery set that has more small spoons, a few big spoons, maybe some forks and DEFINITELY no knives!

Here's a market opportunity waiting to be filled ;-)


  1. I have found two good uses for the knives....

    Give it to the kids visiting home who are fussy eaters.... they love cutting up small pieces and eating!!

    you can use it for spreading butter and spreads on the breakfast toast.

    just finding lots of creative uses for them

  2. Giving them to fussy kids is a good idea -- I hadn't thought of that one -- thanks!
