Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Cat Report

Here's some interesting homework that came home last week.

A list of cats (siamese, lion, etc.), from which my son had to select one. The next step was to find a book about the chosen cat, read it and then come up with a "Cat Report".

He selected "Slinky Malinki" by Lynley Dodd, and so his report was about a "thieving Siamese cat", complete with a hand-drawn picture!

Update on the Art of Getting Help

A few months ago, I had written a blog entry on The Art of Getting Help , pointing out that some people do not know how to communicate well enough to get help on technical forums.

Well guess what? I am not the only person who thinks so.

The "issue" of poorly asked questions has gotten on peoples' nerves to such an extent in the Watir forum, that there is an entire thread discussing how to handle "newbies/clueless posters"!

The creator of Watir, Brett Pettichord tweeted "I couldn't stand all the clueless questions on watir general."

More here.