In a shocking incident, a mother sold her 8-day old baby boy for Rs. 40000 in order to be able to fund treatment for her two-year old paralytic son.
The anti-human trafficking branch of Rajasthan Police got involved and said, "This baby ... was given for adoption in return of money. An adoption can only be undertaken through the District Child Protection committee. Besides, no money or gifts can be exchanged in adoption cases." The "trafficked" baby's parents were arrested (and are currently out on bail.)
While I completely agree that human trafficking is abhorrent, one needs to look beyond the superficial facts. In a country like India, where the male child is practically worshiped and people go to any lengths to have one (including killing girl children inside and outside the womb), this mother was ready part with her baby boy in the hope of curing her elder son. She who went through the process of carrying, giving birth and then parting with her 8-day old baby -- in no way strikes me as a human trafficker (even though I do not condone what she did the slightest bit).
As a nation, it would be good for us to strengthen availability of medical facilities at reasonable rates to poorer sections of society so that they don't need to resort to such acts of desperation.
If I was the investigating agency of this case, I would arrest the "broker" and the couple who was willing to take advantage of the mother's desperation by "buying" her baby.
Oh, and then I would turn my attention to *serious* and *brutal* human trafficking that forces thousands of girls into the flesh trade against their will, instead of turning a blind eye because it is lucrative to do so.
The anti-human trafficking branch of Rajasthan Police got involved and said, "This baby ... was given for adoption in return of money. An adoption can only be undertaken through the District Child Protection committee. Besides, no money or gifts can be exchanged in adoption cases." The "trafficked" baby's parents were arrested (and are currently out on bail.)
While I completely agree that human trafficking is abhorrent, one needs to look beyond the superficial facts. In a country like India, where the male child is practically worshiped and people go to any lengths to have one (including killing girl children inside and outside the womb), this mother was ready part with her baby boy in the hope of curing her elder son. She who went through the process of carrying, giving birth and then parting with her 8-day old baby -- in no way strikes me as a human trafficker (even though I do not condone what she did the slightest bit).
As a nation, it would be good for us to strengthen availability of medical facilities at reasonable rates to poorer sections of society so that they don't need to resort to such acts of desperation.
If I was the investigating agency of this case, I would arrest the "broker" and the couple who was willing to take advantage of the mother's desperation by "buying" her baby.
Oh, and then I would turn my attention to *serious* and *brutal* human trafficking that forces thousands of girls into the flesh trade against their will, instead of turning a blind eye because it is lucrative to do so.
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