In 2008, a young girl named Aarushi Talwar was brutally murdered in her own home in UP. The local police, in their haste to "solve" the case, came up with some theories and allowed the media in for a look-see at the scene of the murder, thereby destroying vital evidence.
Aarushi's father, Rajesh Talwar had spent more than a few days in jail when the CBI (to whom the case was handed over) concluded there was insufficient evidence against him and proposed to close the case. A judge ruled against closing the case and he remains an accused. He is currently out on bail.
In a twist of events, Aarushi's mother Nupur Talwar has also become a murder accused. Denied bail, she has been take to jail tonight.
Watching (what the media report about) the case, I cannot help but wonder if this is a witch-hunt. The same CBI that said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute Rajesh Talwar now opposes Nupur Talwar's bail because she may tamper with evidence. Tamper with evidence four years after the crime? Which was insufficient to proceed with the case?
To be very clear, I have *no* idea whether the Talwars murdered their daughter or not. I just find it very strange, that four years on, the CBI is ok for the murder victim's father to be out on bail but not her mother. When they are both co-accused.
On another note, as a parent myself, I cannot help but empathize with what the Talwars must be going through. To lose a child has to be the hardest thing in the world. And when that happens, instead of mourning for the child, the Talwars spend their time in and out of jails and courtrooms as murder accused.
If they are innocent, by the time they get to prove it, will their lives not be completely destroyed not only because they've lost their only child, but because they've been spending their time fighting to prove their innocence instead of getting closure and moving on?
Aarushi's father, Rajesh Talwar had spent more than a few days in jail when the CBI (to whom the case was handed over) concluded there was insufficient evidence against him and proposed to close the case. A judge ruled against closing the case and he remains an accused. He is currently out on bail.
In a twist of events, Aarushi's mother Nupur Talwar has also become a murder accused. Denied bail, she has been take to jail tonight.
Watching (what the media report about) the case, I cannot help but wonder if this is a witch-hunt. The same CBI that said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute Rajesh Talwar now opposes Nupur Talwar's bail because she may tamper with evidence. Tamper with evidence four years after the crime? Which was insufficient to proceed with the case?
To be very clear, I have *no* idea whether the Talwars murdered their daughter or not. I just find it very strange, that four years on, the CBI is ok for the murder victim's father to be out on bail but not her mother. When they are both co-accused.
On another note, as a parent myself, I cannot help but empathize with what the Talwars must be going through. To lose a child has to be the hardest thing in the world. And when that happens, instead of mourning for the child, the Talwars spend their time in and out of jails and courtrooms as murder accused.
If they are innocent, by the time they get to prove it, will their lives not be completely destroyed not only because they've lost their only child, but because they've been spending their time fighting to prove their innocence instead of getting closure and moving on?
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