Thursday, February 16, 2012

Corporate Greed >> Human Life?

Since 2007, the drug company Novartis has been fighting to stop the production of affordable generic medicines in India. These medicines are used not just in India, but all over the developing world to help organizations like Medecins Sans Frontieres save millions of lives world-over.

Medecins Sans Frontieres is trying to stop Novartis from prioritizing corporate greed over human life.

 Even after Indian courts ruled against it, Novartis has continued its legal battle and now the Supreme Court is due to hear the case at the end of February 2012.

Of course, looking at recent judgements of the Indian Supreme Court makes me very hopeful that the court will rule in favour of life and not greed.

Praying for life ...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Eagle (a.k.a. cruel) Dad

My sense of outrage makes it very hard to make this a coherent blog post. Tiger Mom was bad enough, but Eagle Dad leaves me speechless with rage.

A "father" made his four year old run near-naked in the snow, even as the child cried to be rescued from the cold. Then he forced the near-naked child *lie down* on snow.

In what way are the adult's actions NOT sadism and cruelty? Hasn't daddy heard of people, *adults* at that, dying due to cold weather? What if the child contracted pneumonia or some other serious disease?

Why should a four year old be subjected to such cruel and unusual behavior, just because his (I'm assuming) biological father wants him to grow up into "tough" guy?

This happened in New York -- there are passersby in the video; why didn't anyone dial 911? Where were the child protection agencies? Why isn't the adult who did this behind bars?

Shocking and shameful.